Non-Non (No-No)

A TV series for kids age 4 to 6
Based on the books by Magali Le Huche

Literary adaptation: Léonie De Rudder & Thierry Gaudin
Graphic adaptation: Mathieu Auvray
Directed by: Mathieu Auvray

France / 2016 / 52×7′ + a TV special of 26′ / French & English dialogues
Production : Autour de Minuit
In development with Canal+

A Sous-bois-les-bains, les jours s’écoulent dans la joie et la bonne humeur !

Et tous les matins, Non-Non l’ornithorynque se réveille avec une nouvelle idée super chouette qu’il a hâte de mettre en pratique… sauf qu’il ne sait pas trop comment ! Il est comme ça, Non-Non : « j’ai plein d’idées… mais comment qu’on fait ? »
Pour sortir du doute, il se précipite donc chez ses copains qui, eux, ont toujours une solution toute faite à lui proposer… si ce n’est qu’elle correspond à LEUR personnalité à EUX ! Chacun est persuadé d’avoir raison sauf que Non-Non est unique et a besoin d’une solution qui lui convienne, à LUI !
Donc notre héros se retrouvent donc souvent à dire des « non, non, NON ! » embarrassés, révoltés ou franchement exaspérés selon le degré de délire de ses copains : Magaïveur, Bio, Zoubi, Grouillette et Grocroc.
Il n’arrêtera de dire “Non Non” que quand il aura trouvé lui-même SA solution.


In Underwood Springs, every day starts out as a beautiful, happy day!

And every morning, No-No the platypus wakes up with an amazing new idea that he can’t wait to try out… if only he knew how! That’s just the kind of platypus No-No is: “I’ve got lots of ideas… I just don’t know how to make them happen!”
To get a clearer picture of how to put his ideas into action, he races to his friends for advice. The problem is that they always have a one-size-fits-all solution for him… even if it the one size is THEIR OWN! Worse still, each of them is convinced that they’re right… but No-No is one-of-a-kind, he needs a solution that is tailor-made for HIM!
So, depending on how carried away his friends – Magaïver, Veggie, Buggy, Speedy, and Bigtooth – become with their own madcap ideas, our hero finds himself having to turn down their suggestions with an awkward, “Um, nah”; an exasperated, “No, thanks!” or a screaming “NO!!!!”
With a “No-no” here and a “No-no” there, he fumbles and stumbles his way through their solutions until he finds the one that’s right for HIM.





