Reperages special Animation : 3D movies, Coraline, Les Lascars, Panique au village, Annecy 2009, …
Animatic Volume 6 DVD
Naiadeby Nadia Micault, Lorenzo Nanni / France / 2008 / 12′
Retouchesby Georges Schwizgebel / Swiss, Canada / 2008 / 5’30
Aubade by Pierre Bourrigault / France / 2007 / 4′
Chainsaw by Dennis Tupicoff / Australia / 2007 / 24′
For Sock’s Sake by Carlo Vogele / France / 2008 / 4’45
Forecast by Adriaan Lokman / Netherlands / 2007 / 9’30
Blind Spot by Johanna Bessière, Cécile Dubois-Herry, Simon Rouby,
Nicolas Chauvelot, Olivier Clert, Yvon Jardel / France / 2007 / 3’15
Raging Blues by Vincent Paronnaud, Lyonnel Mathieu / France / 2007 / 6′
Une histoire vertebrale by Jérémy Clapin (director of Skhizein) / France / 2004 / 9′
Un jour by Marie Paccou / France / 1998 / 4′
Bubblicious (Rex the Dog) by Geoffroy de Crécy / France / 2008 / 3’15
Les Grands Chevaux (Prudence) by Joris Clerté / France / 2008 / 3′
Better than Prince (Flairs) by Jonas & François / France / 2008 / 3′
I lived on the moon (Kwoon) by Yannick Puig / France, Spain / 2007 / 4’30
Focus : Arthur Cox (UK)
Heavy Pockets by Sarah Cox / 2004 / 6′
Satisfactory by Felix Massie, Joe Paine / 2006 / 5’15
Operator by Matthew Walker / 2007 / 1’50
Asperity by Tom Jobbins / 2007 / 2′
Perfect by Sally Arthur / 2004 / 2’50
3 ways to Go by Sarah Cox / 1997 / 4’25
+ 7 ads and commercial movies
Cinéson : creations from differents schools
C’est toujours la même histoire by Joris Clerté, Anne Morin
I Can’t Coulour In (selection) by Felix Massie
Dunny by Matray
Petroline by Matray
Teaser Chase by Adriaan Lokman
Making of Naiade : Court Circuits, Arte
Prix : 12 € (frais de port non inclus)
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