
A guitar in the sea

A guitar in the sea / A drifting guitar

By Sophie Roze
2024 / 26′ / France, Suisse
Production : JPL Films, Nadasdy Film

A weasel, whose absurd job consists of going door to door selling ties, travels the country roads. Considered harmful, perpetually wandering, she decides to try her luck in the forest. His destiny will then change thanks to the unconditional help of a hedgehog.. The arrival of a third character, an uprooted capybara*, forced to flee his country for what we guess are climatic reasons, will lead the weasel to take part in a mutual aid process and finally, to find your final place.

*A capybara is a very large rodent that lives in South America.

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The Great Dream

The Great Dream / The Great Dreamscape

By Rémi Durin
26′ / France, Belgium / French dialogues
Production : Autour de Minuit, Kwassa Films
Target audience : 6 – 9 year olds

As the school show begins and the audience's applause rings out, the Child does not dare join his comrades who go on stage. To hide, he goes to wrap himself in a makeshift cape whose fabric seems endless, and finally emerges in a magnificent palace surrounded by a cloud as soft as it is impenetrable.

Rising Waters in Underwood Springs!

Rising waters in Underwood Springs!

By Mathieu Auvray
From the books in the collection “No-No” de Magali Le Huche (Editions Tourbillon)

A TV Special for children of 4 at 6 year olds

France / 2017 / 26’ / French or English dialogues
Production : Autour de Minuit – Canal+
Target audience : 5 years and older

Non-Non is fed up with its monotonous little life in Sous-Bois-Les-Bains…
After having polled his friends, he decides to go on an adventure with his boyfriend, the little Magaïveur crab ! But the rain comes to thwart their plans, and the platypus hates nothing as long as having wet paws ... So they put off their great adventure until later, but unfortunately the rain falls continuously for days and days, and the small flooded village soon disappears under the waves.
Non-No will find himself at the controls of a very original boat, tinker with his friend Grocroc, and responsible for leading all his fellow citizens to their destination by braving a storm, joker and shipwreck dinosaur… He who wanted adventure, it will be served !



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Jean Michel : The Forbidden Stories

  • By Mathieu Auvray / France / 44′ / 2020
  • A TV Special produced by Autour de Minuit
  • Creator : Mathieu Auvray, Régis Jaulin, Magali Le Huche
  • Scenario : Régis Jaulin
  • Storyboard : Celine Desoutter
  • Music : Alexis Pecharman
  • Target age : 6 – 9 year olds

Marcel the mayor decides to ban love stories : it only causes problems and it makes everyone unhappy ! Ban love stories ? Jean-Michel is not too much for and his girlfriend Gisèle even less ... Alas, repression begins. Our heroes decide to enter into resistance so that love is allowed again in the village.

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The Christmas Log

By Vincent Patar & Stephane Aubier

Belgium – France / 26 min
Produced by Panique / Autour de Minuit / Beast Animation
Target audience : 10 years and older

The holidays are approaching. Christmas, fir, New Years Eve. Indian and Cowboy eagerly awaiting their presents. Overexcited by the preparations for the party, they argue and accidentally destroy the log to which Cheval was putting the last touch. Mad, Horse cancels gifts from Santa Claus.
How to regain the favors of Cheval and the Old Bearded Man ? How to collect the gifts ? For Indian and Cowboy begins a long, very long christmas night.

– Click here to see the Panique Facebook page

See the Teaser / Watch the Teaser

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The County Fair

By Vincent Patar & Stephane Aubier
(Back to school (2016) – The Christmas Log (2013))

Belgium, France / 2019 / 26’/ French or English dialogues, English subtitles.
Production : Panic!, Autour de Minuit, Beast Animation
Target audience : 10 years and older

Indian and Cowboy passed their school exams brilliantly. Cheval therefore bought them tickets for the Agricultural Fair.. At the last moment, Horse slides on a skateboard and wakes up with amnesia. For Indian and Cowboy begins a race against time to try to find the tickets hidden by Cheval ...



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Back to school

Panic in the village : Back to school

By Vincent Patar & Stephane Aubier
Belgium – France / 26 min
Produced by Panique / Autour de Minuit / Beast Animation
Target audience : 10 years and older

Indian and Cowboy set off for a magnificent cruise on a luxury liner, but they got tangled up the brushes. They completely forgot that today, it's back to school ! Goodbye exotic islands, our friends find themselves desperate on the school benches to endure the monotony of lessons.
To energize this start of the year and welcome the new geography teacher, the director offers a great competition. The winners will accompany M. Yuri for a day on the moon. Indian and Cowboy are obviously desperate to win the contest.

– Click here to see Panique's Facebook page

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The summer holidays

The summer holidays / The Summer Holidays

By Vincent Patar and Stéphane Aubier / 26′ / France, Belgium
Production : Autour de Minuit, Panic!, Beast, Nadasdy
Target audience : 10 years and older

School is over. Summer drags on. Indian and Cowboy are bored. The vision of an old pirate movie will bring them out of their torpor. They decide to build a boat and go on an adventure.

See the Teaser / Watch the Teaser

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No-No in space

The Wassim Boutaleb / 26’ / Youth from 4 years and for the whole family
Original music by Mathias Duplessy
Target audience : 5 years and older

Three… Two… One… Zero ! End of the countdown, it's time to go and plant the Sous-Bois-Les Bains flag on the moon !

In a cloud of smoke and sparks, Grocroc's rocket leaves Earth orbit. Weightless in space, No-No, Magaïveur and the friends don't have time to admire the scenery, that a meteor shower causes them to deviate from their initial trajectory and sends them directly… On an unknown planet !  

The meeting with Croâk, a little green man, will turn this space epic into a story of interplanetary friendship !

See the teaser

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Non-No Shrink

A TV special (26’) for the whole family !

Based on the albums from the NON-NON collection by Magali Le Huche published by Editions Tourbillon.

Production: Autour de Minuit, Piwi+ , Canal + with the participation of Borderline Films
Production : Wassim Boutaleb
Written by Léonie de Rudder and Sophie Lodwitz
Target audience : 5 years and older

International sales : Yum! Animation
Contact : Hanna Mouchez Mail – hanna@miam-animation.com


Poor No-No ! He thought this day was going to be like any other, with a good picnic and a big nap in his comfortable lounge chair… But everything changed because of a gust of wind and a packet of crisps stuck in a huge tree. Grocroc pulls out the big artillery : a shrinking machine. And that's when Non-No accidentally passes through the shrinking laser beam… and becomes stingy like an ant !


Non-Non Rétrécit


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