
Newspaper : ADM au Cartoon Movie 2013 !

This year at the Cartoon Movie 2013 (who stood by 6 at 9 mars, In Lyon), the co-production forum for European animated feature films, two feature film projects were pitched by Autour de Minuit.

Alpha”By Edouard Salier was this year presented in development and“Le Yark”By Bertrand Santini (designs Laurent Gapaillard) was presented for the first time in concept.

French Film and Ecran Total talk about it ...!

Ecran Total n°943, du 10 avril 2013

Ecran Total n°943, du 10 avril 2013

"Le Film Français" n°3521 du 1er mars 2013-1

"Le Film Français" n°3521 du 1er mars 2013-1

"Ecran Total" du 6 mars 2013