
The best of the younger generation of animators.


The best of the younger generation of animators.

Fabrics, Guillerme Marcondes, Brazil 2006
Dog days, Geoffroy de Crécy, France 2007
X.pression, Laurie Thinot, France 2007
One D. Mike Grimshaw, Canada, 2005
Tragic story with happy ending, Regina Pessoa, Port, Can,2005
Telerific Voodoo, Paul Jadoul, Belgium, 2006
Death of love, Gil Alkabetz, Germany, 2004
Flatword, Daniel Greaves, UK, 1997
Barcode, Adriaan Lokman, Netherlands, 2001
Broadway, Matthew Mantovani, France, 2005
Zero 7 : Crosses, Duckey, uk, 2006
Etienne de Crécy : Am I Wrong: Geoffroy de Crécy, France 2000
Focus, Smith & Foulkes

BONUS : A little history of the animated image, Joris Clerté, France
Set Theory, Damourette, Hericher, Eka M’changama
Slideshow : Eye of the Tyger
< Teaser : The Gloaming

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