(english available at the bottom)
MAY 26 February 2011
Congratulations from Critics' Week.
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Critics' Week would like to congratulate its César winners 2011
Congratulations to our winners at the 2011 Caesars (French Academy Awards)
Critics' Week Competition 2009
made by H5 (François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain), produced by Nicolas Schmerkin (Autour de Minuit)
Best short film Best Short Film
The H5s were already Oscar winners 2010 for Best Animated Short Film and for the second year in a row (IT'S FREE FOR THE DAUGHTERS of Marie Amachoukeli and Claire Burger, César 2009 for Best Short Film) a film presented at the Critics' Week wins the César in this category.
H5 won the 2010 Oscar for Best Animated Shot Film, and for the second year in a row (IT'S FREE FOR GIRLS by Marie Amachoukeli and Claire Burger, 2009 César for Best Short Film) a movie presented at La Semaine de la Critique won a César in this category. |
www.semainedelacritique.com |
MAY 17 mars 2010
An article by Cécile Mury in Télérama (n°3140 – 17 mars)